Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Christ the King of Social Media

Christ the King of Social Media
A Sermon on CtK Sunday, featuring Matthew, Ezekiel, & Ephesians.

Again this week the fires of protest rose up in Egypt, as citizens took to the streets to protest the transitional military government. As social media brought about new political kingdoms in the place of leaders who had ruled for over fifty years in Egypt & Tunisia, the church bears witness to a year that demonstrated the power of social media to bring significant change in the world.

Whether in the Middle East or in the United States, the really revolutionary power of social media is its ability to create new kingdoms. In the past our connections to each other were more or less dependent on some combination of physical geography or happenstance. But these technologies have united people on a mass scale on the basis of common interest, regardless of geography.

Freed from the bonds of friendship and kinship, niche communities have formed and thrived. Whether it’s an online kingdom dedicated to overthrowing a political leader or a community of dedicated Doctor Who fans, the social media revolution has allowed us to dive deep into ourselves, to develop connections with those who share all our same quirks and interests.