Monday, January 28, 2013

Why Beyonce, Jesus, & Lip-Synching Matters

Last night's sermon at Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Colorado-Boulder featuring Luke 4.14-20. 

Last week classrooms sat empty, powerpoint presentations went unpointed, and due dates postponed as the university celebrated a civic holiday. A big part of that holiday this year was the presidential inauguration. I imagine you heard some of the controversy emerging from the inaugural ritual. The media from the Times to the Post all the way down to the TMZ have been up in arms because it appears that much of the inaugural event may have been fake. 

The biggest offender of our notions of authenticity and originality was Beyonce. The pop music heavyweight may or may not have lip synched her powerful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, depending on which sources you trust. But the whole day, with thousands of people spread out along the parade route and the mall was, in a sense, fake. The Constitution requires that the president be sworn into office on January 20th, this past Sunday. The inaugural celebration traditionally takes place on a weekday. So, President Obama took the oath of office in the blue room on Sunday in a small private service and opted to move the public celebration to the traditional Monday. While many presidents have made this same choice, you could see the entire inaugural affair on Monday as one collective lip synch, reciting the same words, songs, and rituals from the day before, but without the constitutional punch.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Huell Howser, Baptism, & the Death of Cynicism.

I was moved last week when I heard that Huell Howser had died. Huell, for those of you who have not been blessed with exposure to public television in California, was the host of California’s Gold. For 18 seasons Huell explored the natural, cultural and historic wonders of the Golden State. To me the show is as much a part of my California experience as In-N-Out or Trader Joe's. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Introducing...PZ's Office Hours!

Everybody knows that one of the keys to a successful semester is stopping by your professor's office hours every once in a while to ask a question or just to let them know you exist. In that same spirit, I'm excited to announce that I'll be keeping office hours on campus this semester!

Monday mornings are tough. I'm going to do my part to help you get your week off on the right foot by being in Pekoe Coffee Shop in the ATLAS building on campus from 9.00am until 11:15am every Monday morning. I'll be there waiting for you to stop by to chat and/or to buy you a cup of coffee. 

If you ask professors about assignments and coursework, what would you talk to Pastor Zach about during office hours? Well, I'm glad you asked. Below is a list of acceptable topics for discussion during office hours this semester:
  • the mysteries of the universe
  • Roommates/Parents/Professors
  • The latest episode of Doctor Who.
  • Why the Old Testament is PZ's favorite.
  • The merits of the House of Lords.
  • College Basketball (other seasonally appropriate sports topics are ok.)
  • What's up with the bible? 
  • Maps
  • Why PZ is a pastor. 
  • Where is God in all of this?
  • The Wire/Curb your Enthusiasm/Homeland/Top Gear
  • Any Dave Eggers book.
  • Seattle-based Rap.
  • The banjo.
  • Why faith matters.
  • The merits of various forms of public transportation. 
  • How Manhattan is the greenest place on earth. 
  • Paradoxes.
  • Ralphie: great or greatest mascot?
  • Current events. 
  • Debate the best breakfast place in Boulder (the village, duh.)
  • Why PZ is always talking about baptism and the eucharist. 
(Please note this list is not all-inclusive, additional topics may prove acceptable. Feel free to request additional topics in the comments below or just show up and we'll talk.)

See you on Monday mornings!
Pastor Zach